Borrowed Light - Max Ruebensal

Borrowed Light | Original Artwork


The series is comprised out of 9 original acrylic works made on round canvases featuring handmade, digital distortions in bright colour combinations. The term ‚Lost In Translation‘ originally means that some of your words’ full subtlety of meaning or significance get lost when they are transferred into another language (another medium of communication). The term has since transgressed into various further meanings, like e.g. the shortcomings of a film adaptation in comparison to the original book. Being the title of a famous and well-received 2003 rom-com with Bill Murray, the term also explores themes of alienation and disconnection, which are more relevant than ever in times of digital isolation during a global pandemic. Life and communication, too, has lost some of its meaning, and some aspects of our human-ness will still need some time to come back in our lives.

Acrylics on Canvas, Dimensions: Ø30 X 1,6 CM. Framed and signed.

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Dimensions 40 × 40 × 1,6 cm

Acrylics on Canvas


Ø30 X 1,6 CM

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